For a given data f
and a given split i
, the function returns vector of
two values of the average mean square errors on the left and righe intevals generated by this split.
split(f, i)
f | data of an n x nx matrix, where n is number of samples (rows) and nx reperesents the grid size |
i | an integer withen the range of the object, i.e \((1 , (nx-1))\), indecates the split. |
vector of two average mean square errors (AMSE_L, AMSE_R):left and righr the spliting point, respectively
Nassar, H., Podgórski, K. (2019) Empirically driven orthonormal bases for functional data analysis. Preprint. Department of Statistics, Lund University.
n=10 f=rbetafda(n) nx=dim(f)[2] xx=vector() for( i in 1:499){ Q=split(f,i) xx[i]=Q[1]*i/nx+Q[2]*(nx-i)/nx } plot(xx)