for a given data f, and a set of intervals (that have end points given in 'LE' and 'RE'), left and right hand side endpoints, all in the range [1:nx], this function finds the an additional split (knot) from the set of potential knots splits by minimizing the average mean square error of piecewise constant approximation to (rowwise) functional data given in f that result from adding a new split. The intervals do not need to cover the entire range of f. We use convention that for LE[k], the k-th interval is '(LE[k]+1):RE[k]' which corresponds to open-closed intervals in the 'continuous' interpretation of the intervals (LE[k],RE[k]] The minimization is over all k. The noimnated optimal splits within each interval are already given in the input and the algorithm returns new optimal within interval splits that are increased by one and only modified in the two intervals

add_split(f, LE, RE, AMSE, AMSE1, AMSE2, splits, M = 5)



n x nx matrix, where n is number of samples (rows) and nx reperesents the grid size in functional data interpreptation.


vector of integers. indices for the left endpoints that are given as vectors of K integers in the range from 0 to nx-1,


vector of integers. indices for the right endpoints that are given as vectors of K integers in the range from 1 to nx,


vector of K values of the average mean square errors of the piecewise constant approximation based on given knots


vector of K values of the left-hand side (with respect to corresponding 'splits' below) values of the average mean square error


vector of K values of the righ-hand side (with respect to corresponding 'splits' below) values of the average mean square error


vector of K values of the suggested splits (they are chosen optimally within given interval and will be used to choose a new knot). The knot is chosen according to the criterium: the split leading to the largest gain accross all between knots intervals becomes a new knot.


the minimal number of points per intervals between knots for further split of the optimization to be performed. The default is 5. It means that if there is less than M points per interval the further split of the interval marked by knots is not performed. The program will stop if there is too few points to find the requested number of knots with the given restriction for M.


the list of the following:

  • NLE and

  • NRE -- two vectors of all K+1 ordered indices within the range [1:nx]representing end points of new increased by one set of intervals obtained by adding the optimal knot (the optimal split of one of the input intervals)

  • nsplits-a vector of K+1 values of the suggested splits (for using in the next iteration of this functiom to choose a new knot). These splits are optimal within intervals.

  • NAMSE-the K+1 vector of new the average mean square errors over the intervals obtained from the knots including the new one.

  • NAMSE1-the vector of K+1 values of the left-hand side (with respect to corresponding 'splits') values of the average mean square errors

  • NAMSE2-a vector of K+1 values of the right-hand side (with respect to corresponding 'splits') values of the average mean square errors

  • locsp-the location (left hand side) of the added new optimal split location,i.e. the split occurs in (LE[k]+1):RE[k], where k=locsp while LE and RE are the input values, in the terms of output the new split is at NLE[k+1]=NRE[k]


Nassar, H., Podgórski, K. (2019) Empirically driven orthonormal bases for functional data analysis. Preprint. Department of Statistics, Lund University.


#START of example #Generating data, needs 'rbetafda' function n=10 f=rbetafda(n) nx=dim(f)[2] #size of the equidistant one dimensional grid hf=1/(nx+1) #increment s i z e grid=matrix( seq (hf , 1-hf , by=hf) , nrow=1) #grid xx=vector() for( i in 1:499){ Q=split(f,i) xx[i]=Q[1]*i/nx+Q[2]*(nx-i)/nx } plot(xx)
#Preparation of the input values AMSE=c(mean((nx-1)/nx*apply(f,1,var))) knots=c(0,nx) #We take zero as the location of the first knot since, we want # intervals pointed by 'knots' to be open-close, i.e. the k-th interval is 'knots[k]+1, knots[k+1]' K=length(knots) LE=knots[1:(K-1)] #The open ended left ends of the intervals (so add one to have the closed end) RE=knots[2:K] #The close ended right ends of the intervals splits=vector('numeric',K-1) #The new interval-wise optimal split-points #The left-hand side (with respect to corresponding 'splits') values of the average mean square error AMSE1=splits # The right-hand side (with respect to corresponding 'splits') # values of the average mean square error AMSE2=splits # First run through all the intervals is to compute all # interval-wise split and corresponding 'AMSE1' and 'AMSE2' for(k in 1:(K-1)) #the loop running through all the intervals at the current knots values { ff=f[,(knots[k]+1):(knots[k+1])] newsp=opt_split(ff,AMSE[k]) splits[k]=knots[k]+newsp[[1]] AMSE1[k]=newsp[[2]] AMSE2[k]=newsp[[3]] } # computed splits (potential new knots) and corresponding AMSE1's and AMSE2's #################### opt2=add_split(f,LE,RE,AMSE,AMSE1, AMSE2, splits) L=opt2$NLE R=opt2$NRE AMS=opt2$NAMSE AMS1=opt2$NAMSE1 AMS2=opt2$NAMSE2 spl=opt2$nsplits opt2=add_split(f,L,R,AMS,AMS1,AMS2,spl)