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NASA/POWER CERES/MERRA2 Native Resolution Hourly Data

  • Dates: 01/01/2015 through 03/05/2015

  • Location: Latitude 25.7926 Longitude -80.3239

  • Elevation from MERRA-2: Average for 0.5 x 0.625 degree lat/lon region = 5.4 meters

Data frame fields:

  • YEAR – Year of a measurement

  • MO – Month of a measurement

  • DY – Day of a measurement

  • HR – Hour of a measurement

  • WD10M – MERRA-2 Wind Direction at 10 Meters (Degrees)

  • WS50M – MERRA-2 Wind Speed at 50 Meters (m/s)

  • WD50M – MERRA-2 Wind Direction at 50 Meters (Degrees)

  • WS10M – MERRA-2 Wind Speed at 10 Meters (m/s)




numerical 1536 x 8 dataframe: wind


The data was obtained from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Langley Research Center (LaRC) Prediction of Worldwide Energy Resource (POWER) Project funded through the NASA Earth Science/Applied Science Program.


#----------- Plotting the Wind data -------------#

data(wind) #activating the data

wind1=wind[,-1] #Removing YEAR as irrelevant

#Transforming data to daily with the periodic form, i.e. the arguments in [0,1], 
#which is required in the periodic case.


Days=vector(mode='list', length=numbdays)

for(i in 1:numbdays){
  Days[[i]][,c(4,6)]=Days[[i]][,c(4,6)]/360 #the direction in [0,1]

#Raw discretized data for the first day 

hist(Days[[1]][,4],xlim=c(0,1),xlab='Wind direction',main='First day 10[m]')
hist(Days[[1]][,6],xlim=c(0,1),xlab='Wind direction',main='First day 50[m]')

plot(Days[[1]][,4],Days[[1]][,5],xlim=c(0,1),pch='.',cex=4,xlab='Wind direction',ylab='Wind speed')
plot(Days[[1]][,6],Days[[1]][,7],xlim=c(0,1),pch='.',cex=4,xlab='Wind direction',ylab='Wind speed')

#First Day Data:
#Projections of the histograms to the periodic spline form 


n_knots=2^N*k-1 #the number of internal knots for the dyadic case
xi = seq(0, 1, length.out = n_knots+2) 
#Note that the range of the argument is assumed to be between 0 and 1

PrF1=project(FirstDayDataF1,xi,periodic = TRUE, graph = TRUE)

F1=PrF1$sp #The first day projection of the direction histogram at 10[m]

#Projections of the scatterplots to the periodic spline form 
#The bivariate sampl
FirstDayDataF1V1=as.matrix(Days[[1]][,4:5]) #we note that wind directions are scaled but not ordered 

#Padding the data with zeros as the sampling frequency is not sufficiently dense over [0,1]

#Another knot selection with more knots but still dyadic case
n_knots2=2^N*k-1 #the number of internal knots for the dyadic case
xi2 = seq(0, 1, length.out = n_knots2+2) 

#For illustration one can plot the B-splines and the corresponding splinet
so = splinet(xi2,smorder = k, periodic = TRUE,norm = TRUE) 

plot(so$bs,type='dyadic') #To facilitate the comparison with the splinet better 
                          #one can choose the dyadic grapph

#Projecting direction/wind data onto splines
PrS1=project(FirstDayDataF1V1,xi2,smorder=k,periodic = TRUE, graph = TRUE)
#> The input numerical data were not given in the increasing order.
#>  The data are ordered and returned in the ordered form as the first value in the output list.


#the next 7 days 
days= 7
#Transforming to the periodic data 

#The direction histogram
for(i in 2:days){
  PrF1=project(DataF1,xi,periodic = TRUE)
  F1=gather(F1,PrF1$sp) #Collecting projections of daily wind-direction histograms at 10[m]

plot(F1) #plot of all daily functional data wind direction distributions

#Wind direction vs speed data at 10[m]
for(i in 2:days){
  DataF1V1=as.matrix(Days[[i]][,4:5]) #we note that wind directions are scaled but not ordered 
  #Padding the data with zeros as the sampling frequency is not sufficiently dense over [0,1]
  PrS1=project(DataF1V1,xi2,smorder=k,periodic = TRUE)
  S1=gather(S1,PrS1$sp) #Collecting projections of daily wind-direction histograms at 10[m]
#> The input numerical data were not given in the increasing order.
#>  The data are ordered and returned in the ordered form as the first value in the output list.
#> The input numerical data were not given in the increasing order.
#>  The data are ordered and returned in the ordered form as the first value in the output list.
#> The input numerical data were not given in the increasing order.
#>  The data are ordered and returned in the ordered form as the first value in the output list.
#> The input numerical data were not given in the increasing order.
#>  The data are ordered and returned in the ordered form as the first value in the output list.
#> The input numerical data were not given in the increasing order.
#>  The data are ordered and returned in the ordered form as the first value in the output list.
#> The input numerical data were not given in the increasing order.
#>  The data are ordered and returned in the ordered form as the first value in the output list.

plot(S1) #plot of all daily functional data wind speed at wind direction

#Computing means of the data

